The Book of Ecclesiastes: Applying Solomon's Wisdom in Our Lives Today by Sermon Notes (2024)

The Importance of Spiritual Discipline: Kings and 2 ChroniclesIn today’s episode of “Sermon Notes,” Jay Strother and Brian Ball explore the importance of spiritual discipline as seen through the book of 2 Chronicles and the lives of the Kings of Israel and Judah.They talk about the lives of David and Solomon, discuss the historical context of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah, as well as the faithfulness of God amidst corrupt leadership.Jun 18, 202439:03The Book of Ecclesiastes: Applying Solomon's Wisdom in Our Lives TodayIn this episode of "Sermon Notes," our host, Brian Ball is joined by the campus and teaching pastor at The Church at Lockeland Springs, David Hannah, to walk through the book of Ecclesiastes. In this podcast, Brian and David delved into the themes of wisdom, materialism, and spiritual fulfillment. While this book was written thousands of years ago, there is a great amount of modern applications— highlighting the importance of finding one’s identity in Jesus Christ alone. They also reflect on the transformative power of adversity, the relevance of ancient wisdom, and the ultimate realization that true contentment comes from living in reverence and awe of God.Jun 11, 202432:22Navigating Wisdom and Biblical Intimacy in Proverbs and Song of SolomonThis week on "Sermon Notes," Brian Ball was joined by Campus and Teaching Pastor at The Church at Nolensville, Wade Owens. Picking up right where we left off two weeks ago, the pair continued in our church-wide study of the Chronological Bible with Song of Solomon and Proverbs.Drawing from passages in Song of Solomon, they explore the relationship between marital love as well as the bond between the Christ and His church, highlighting the importance of intimacy, sacrifice, and God's design within marriage. Their discussion of Proverbs brought us the reminder that we must daily choose to pick up our own cross and follow God, choosing to put our trust in him daily. Throughout today's podcast, Brian and Wade provided a deeper look at how wisdom from God can and should impact us on a daily basis. Want to dive even deeper? Click here to listen to Wade Owens' latest sermon at The Church at Nolensville.Missed last week's episode of the Sermon Notes Podcast? Click here to catch up.Jun 04, 202429:51Exploring 1 Chronicles: God's Plan for Redemption from David to Jesus Christ with John JosephIn this episode of "Sermon Notes," host Jay Strother welcomes John Joseph, the new campus and teaching pastor at The Church at Station Hill, for an enriching discussion on the life of David and the book of 1 Chronicles. Together, they dive into the themes of God's sovereignty and redemption as reflected in the book of 1 Chronicles, highlighting David's sacrifices, and the hope for a future king.They explore the richness of Israel's genealogy, the importance of worship, and the contrast between human and divine sacrifices, while emphasizing the significance of persistent faith and trust in God. The episode concludes with reflections on Psalms 108 and 145, illustrating the journey from lament to praise.May 21, 202434:21Unpacking the Psalms: God's Guidance for Every SeasonIn this week's episode of "Sermon Notes," hosts Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve deep into the Book of Psalms, exploring the rich historical context as well as practical applications for everyday life. They discuss the various authors of the psalms, their historical use in both public and private worship, and the impact this book can have on personal prayer life.Throughout this episode, the speakers highlight the enduring nature of the psalms and challenge listeners to root their lives in scripture. Jay and Brian emphasize the importance of the psalms in teaching us how to express lament, gratitude, and trust in God’s plan. This episode is a great listen for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and understanding of biblical wisdom, especially as it relates to the Book of Psalms.Missed last week's episode? Listenhere.May 14, 202440:07Seeking Redemption: Lessons from David's Path of Sin and ForgivenessIn this episode of "Sermon Notes," hosts Brian Ball and Jay Strother delve into the profound spiritual themes of confession, repentance, and forgiveness, as illustrated by the tumultuous biblical story of King David, particularly focusing on his interactions with Absalom and Bathsheba. They explore the dire consequences of sin, the distortion of God-given authority, and the necessity of turning back to God with a contrite heart, emphasizing the relentless mercy and compassion of God despite human failures. Through an engaging discussion, they highlight the key role of community and the continual preaching of the gospel in reorienting believers toward Christ. This episode not only reflects on the tragic fallout of David’s sins but also celebrates the hope of redemption and the power of God’s grace to restore brokenness, providing listeners with a deepened understanding of God’s eternal kingship and the path to spiritual renewal through honest confession and steadfast obedience.May 07, 202436:58Tradition vs. Transformation: Exploring Cultural Worship Practices In this reflective episode of "Sermon Notes," guests Brian Ball and Brandon Abbott delve into the profound stories of King David, highlighting the significance of God's guidance and the importance of humility and obedience in faith. The duo explores the cultural and traditional aspects of worship, emphasizing the necessity to reevaluate traditions that might hinder genuine faith experiences. They share touching personal anecdotes and discuss the relevance of David's narratives, such as his mercy towards Mephibosheth and his interactions with foreign kingdoms, reflecting on how these stories resonate with current faith practices and personal growth. The conversation is enriched with discussions about the year-old Church at West End, its community impact, and the continuous learning from reading the Bible. Ultimately, Brian and Brandon encourage listeners to seek constant connection with God through His word, the significance of continual obedience, and the power of God’s unending presence in our lives.Apr 30, 202439:05The Chronicles of David and Saul: Learning from Their Triumphs and TrialsIn our latest episode of "Sermon Notes," we delve deep into the chronological Bible reading journey across all Brentwood campuses, currently centered on the narrative of 2 Samuel. As we explore the transformative period marked by King David's ascension and the mournful demise of Saul, our host Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball unpack the complex dynamics of power, faith, and the divine orchestration visible in the lives of these pivotal biblical figures.The contrast between David's heart for God and Saul's tragic fall adeptly illustrates the eternal truths and lessons nestled within these ancient scripts, offering profound insights for the contemporary believer. Join us as we trace the footsteps of Israel's most celebrated king from his anointment to his triumphs, all the while unraveling the intricate tapestry of leadership, loyalty, and legacy left by Saul.Watch Pastor Jay Strother's recent sermon from2 Samuel 7.Apr 23, 202435:05The Making of a King: Lessons from David's Journey to the ThroneOn this episode of "Sermon Notes," Jay Strother and Brian Ball embark on an enlightening journey through the biblical narrative of David. The conversation delves into the themes of shepherding as a metaphor for leadership, the vital role of obedience to God's word, and the divine selection that elevates David above Saul's crumbling reign. They explore the complexities of David's relationship with Jonathan, the embodiment of selfless, Christ-like friendship, and the spiritual discipline of Sabbath rest. Through the course of the discussion, the speakers challenge listeners to evaluate their desires against the trustworthiness of the Bible, underscoring the tragic outcomes of disregarding God’s guidance, as exemplified by Saul's downfall. With references to scholarly insights, the episode draws poignant connections between the struggles of the Old Testament king and the contemporary walk of faith, all while setting the stage for the ultimate Kingship of Christ, the true fulfillment of God's promise.Apr 16, 202433:28From Priests to Kings: Navigating God's Truth Through 1 SamuelIn this thought-provoking episode of "Sermon Notes," host Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball delve deep into the pivotal transition of Israel from a tribal confederacy to a nation under a king as depicted in the historical narratives of the first and second books of Samuel. They navigate through the complexities of Biblical characters, emphasizing the importance of a God-centered life, the powerful roles of prophets like Samuel, and the consequences of Israel's desire for a human king. The conversation explores the authenticity of scripture, the poignant prayers of Hannah, the misuse of sacred symbols like the ark, the qualifications for pastoral leadership, and ultimately, the centrality of Jesus in church and leadership. As they discuss Israel's political and spiritual journey, Jay and Brian offer insights into the eternal truths that resonate in today's world, highlighting the significance of character over competence and the necessity of each generation to faithfully respond to God's call.Apr 09, 202436:16The Unexpected Heroes of Judges and Ruth's Unwavering FaithIn this episode of Sermon Notes, Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the essence of Easter, then unpack the rich stories in the books of Judges and Ruth. As believers around the world reflect on the resurrection, our hosts interweave the themes of disobedience, deliverance, and hope from these biblical texts, drawing poignant parallels to contemporary life. They explore the cyclical patterns of sin and redemption, the necessity of genuine discipleship, the dangers of societal moral relativism, and the transformative power of God's grace. Through the complex characters of Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth, this discussion challenges listeners to acknowledge the prevailing influence of false idols and the vital importance of complete surrender to divine authority, ultimately revealing the relentless pursuit of a loving God who brings light into darkness and offers hope through unexpected means.Apr 02, 202436:30Joshua's Journey: Obedience, Judgment, and the Promise of RedemptionIn this compelling episode of "Sermon Notes," Jay Strother guest Brian Ball dive deep into the biblical narratives of conquest and warfare, examining God's role in the historical context of the ancient Israelites. They discuss God's utilization of one nation to judge another in response to disobedience and how certain Canaanites found refuge under God's covenant. The episode illuminates Joshua's leadership, the grave consequences of defying God's commands, and explores the complex nature of God's wrath. As they navigate through these challenging scriptures, Jay and Brian emphasize the transformative power of obedience, the necessity of faith through adversity, and how the promises in Scripture point to Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment. This episode brings to light the ongoing tension between divine promises and worldly realities, all while gearing up for an Easter celebration that reflects deeply on Christ's redemptive work, tying historical events to contemporary Christian life.Mar 26, 202433:51Insights from Deuteronomy: Choosing Life through Christ's FreedomIn this episode of "Sermon Notes," host Jay Strother is joined by guests Brian Ball and Aaron Bryant for a profound discussion centered on the empowering concept of choosing life through obedience to God's word, as emphasized in Deuteronomy. The conversation explores the transformative power of daily decisions that align with Christ's character, the spiritual journey paralleling the Israelites' move to the promised land, and the church's focused ministry on the next generation in accordance with Deuteronomy 6. They discuss the role of God's law not as a means of justification but as a path to sanctification, its significance in shaping hearts and actions, and the joyful expectations tied to moving into a new building for advancing the mission. Throughout, they underscore the essence of God’s presence over physical spaces, the importance of heart condition in obedience, and the gentle call to pass down the love for God, culminating in an invitation for audience engagement in anticipation of Palm Sunday and Holy Week.Mar 19, 202430:44Unveiling Deuteronomy: Covenant, Law, and Inward TransformationIn this thought-provoking episode of Sermon Notes, hosts Brian Ball and guest Wade Owens delve into the depths of the latter chapters of Deuteronomy, discussing the intricate interplay of moral, social, and ceremonial laws and their fulfillment through Jesus Christ. They explore the profound themes of covenant, inward transformation, and the steadfast love of God, exemplified through the blessings and challenges faced by the Israelites. Highlighting the themes of God's enduring faithfulness and the transformative power of suffering, the conversation also touches upon the practical implications of living out one's faith in daily life and service to God's kingdom. With Wade Owens sharing insights from the growing church community at Nolensville, this episode invites listeners to reflect on the harmony between God's laws and human flourishing, urging a journey of the heart towards truth and a fulfilling relationship with the divine.Mar 12, 202435:13Faith Over Fear: The Israelites' Struggle and the Power of PromisesIn this thought-provoking episode of Sermon Notes, co-hosts Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the rich tapestry of the Book of Numbers, exploring the interplay of obedience, leadership, and God's redemptive discipline. They dissect Moses' pivotal moment of disobedience at the rock and its lasting repercussions on his leadership journey, drawing parallels to the weighty responsibility of modern-day leaders. The hosts shed light on Moses' ultimate restoration, contrasting it with stories of the Transfiguration in the New Testament, and discuss how God's disciplinary actions are designed not to punish, but to restore and align us closer to the image of Jesus. The episode covers other significant events, such as Balaam's blessings, the bronze serpent, and the Israelites' wavering faith and subsequent wandering. Jay and Brian emphasize the covenantal promise of God, His mission-hearted discipline, and the call for believers to be distinguishable agents of His blessing. Filled with timeless wisdom and contemporary application, this episode of Sermon Notes encourages listeners to embrace God's correction, navigate the 'wilderness' of life with trust, and ultimately fulfill our role in God's extraordinary plan.Mar 05, 202432:24Learning from the Wilderness: Embracing Order, Faith, and Spirit-Led ObedienceOn this episode of Sermon Notes, hosts Brian Ball and Matt Pearson delve into the book of Numbers, exploring themes of order, confession, and the Spirit's guidance. They discuss the significance of God's desire to bless his people through obedience, the challenges of seeking God's guidance in a distracting world, and the parallels between the Old Testament and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Drawing connections to Jesus as the incarnation tabernacle, they provide insights into seeking the kingdom of God and the importance of paying attention to God's movement in our lives. The conversation is both insightful and thought-provoking, offering practical wisdom for living out faith in today's world.Feb 27, 202426:10Leviticus: The Role of Law in Spiritual Growth and DiscipleshipIn this episode of "Sermon Notes," host Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball jump into the depths of Leviticus, exploring the book's vital role in understanding the foundation of ancient Israel's religious system and the atoning work of Christ. They demystify some of Leviticus' complex laws, highlighting their significance in defining sacred space, providing for the marginalized, and establishing a framework for spiritual growth. The episode examines the necessary balance between intimacy with Jesus and recognition of His majesty, as well as the practical implications of biblical laws on health and society. With insights by John Luther Mays and an emphasis on practical discipleship, listeners are invited to apply the timeless principles of Leviticus in their daily lives, even as they appreciate its overarching narrative pointing to Christ's ultimate sacrifice.Feb 20, 202432:07God's Blueprint: Order, Creativity, and Community in the WildernessIn this enlightening episode of 'Sermon Notes,' host Jay Strother delves into the profound importance of covenant law, setting the stage for an upcoming focus on the biblical books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Jay draws listeners into the intricate world of the Tabernacle, illuminating its design as a representation of spirit-led order, and emphasizes the role of divine provisions and craftsmanship in its construction. He thoughtfully explores how the Israelites' wilderness journey and their need to learn total dependence on God mirrors the trials faced by individuals and churches today. The episode also examines how adherence to God's commandments, particularly the revolutionary Ten Commandments, can lead to true freedom and reflects on the overarching themes of grace, redemption, leadership, and the significance of community contributions to the Tabernacle. With poignant insights and biblical connections, Jay enriches our understanding of scripture, setting the anticipation for a deeper dive into Leviticus in the next episode of Sermon Notes.Feb 13, 202428:35The Struggle of Faith and the Strength of God's PromisesIn this episode of "Sermon Notes," host Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball delve into the spiritual journey of walking in faith and the power of trusting God's promises, drawing parallels between the biblical exodus of the Israelites and contemporary challenges of faith. Brian shares a moving account of his nephew's SEAL experience and its connection to divine hope, while the duo reflects on Moses' transformation and the spiritual confrontation during the plagues in Egypt. With an emphasis on the significance of faith, obedience, and God's unfolding plan, this discussion invites listeners to reflect on their own lives through the lens of scripture, inspiring hope and emphasizing the vital responsibility of sharing Christ's eternal message in a world grappling with temporal distractions. Join Jay and Brian as they explore themes of providence, humility, and spiritual warfare, leading up to a preview of future topics such as the Red Sea crossing, the Ten Commandments, and the intricacies of the Tabernacle.Listen to Pastor Jay Strother's sermon on Exodus 3 here.Feb 06, 202428:22Honest Questions in Suffering: A Discussion on Job's JourneyIn this episode of Sermon Notes Podcast, hosts Brian Ball and Jay Strother embark on a profound exploration of the Book of Job, delving into the enduring questions of human suffering and divine providence. This episode offers a deeply introspective examination of Job's unwavering faith amidst inexplicable adversity, drawing meaningful connections to the redemptive suffering of Christ. Brian Ball shares a personal narrative that lends a visceral understanding of grappling with pain through a spiritual lens while the conversation navigates the complexities presented by the poetry and wisdom literature of scripture. This session is an invitation to a sincere and earnest dialogue about the challenges of interpreting Job's experiences in our contemporary world and the resilience of faith that emerges from such trials. Please join us for a moment of serious theological reflection and the search for hope in the midst of life's most difficult questions.Jan 30, 202425:30Blessing Nations: The Covenantal Journey Through GenesisIn this episode of Sermon Notes, hosts Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the rich theological discussions surrounding the narrative of Genesis. They shine a light on the integral concept of covenant and the steadfastness of God's promises, examining how these themes are embodied in the patriarchs' journey and shape the promise of the Messiah. With a discerning eye, they trace the lineage from Abraham to Joseph, discussing how faith and obedience are crucial responses to God's workings amidst human frailty and sin.This episode is a profound reflection on understanding one’s divine identity and the impact of carrying God’s blessings forward. The hosts' thoughtful dialogue invites listeners to deeply consider their own lives in the context of biblical grace and redemption, setting the stage for the next episode, which will delve into the trials and resilience found in the book of Job.Jan 23, 202425:21Covenant Promises: The Old Testament Foundations and Our Spiritual ResponseIn this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, hosts Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball embark on a theological exploration of the Old Testament's depiction of divine covenants, with particular emphasis on the enduring nature of God's promises. The dialogue journeys through Abraham's formative experiences, from the initial call and the concept of a "geography of grace," to his descendants' lasting legacies. The hosts consider the profound implications of God expanding the covenant with Abraham — an expression of divine assurance that nurtures faith, hope, and perseverance. The episode also examines the powerful symbolism of circumcision, the gravity of human sin as exemplified in the Sodom and Gomorrah narrative, and the fundamental notions of judgment and salvation. As they engage the chronology of Scripture and its unifying thread across Brentwood Baptist's campuses, Strother and Ball guide their audience through an analysis of faith under trial, the interplay of human folly and divine sovereignty, and the call to holiness amidst life's complexities. This episode of Sermon Notes is a thoughtful meditation on the faithfulness of God, the patience required to abide by His timing, and the transformative call to trust and obedience that is as relevant today as it was in the days of the patriarchs.Jan 16, 202427:12Genesis and God’s Sovereignty: Unity Through RedemptionIn this episode, Jay Strother, alongside guest Brian Ball, invites listeners on a solemn exploration of Scripture, commencing with the book of Genesis to guide the faithful through the upcoming 2024 Bible Reading Plan. This episode thoroughly examines biblical passages, unfolding a God-centered reading approach that highlights the human condition, the nature of sin, and the redemptive promise found in Christ. They discuss the beauty of human limitations, the influence of technology on spiritual life, and the profound implications of misinterpreting prosperity as a sign of divine favor. With sober reflections on the fall's impact on familial and societal structures, and the persistent need for divine grace and covenant, the dialogue underscores the transformative power of the Gospel. Tune in for an earnest and introspective discussion that promises to enrich one's comprehension of Scripture and refocus the heart on the pursuit of a deeper relationship with Jesus through God's revealed word.Jan 09, 202426:46The Journey Begins: Navigating the Whole Bible in 2024In this episode of Sermon Notes, Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball discuss the importance of engaging with the Bible as they prepare to walk through the entire Bible in 2024. They emphasize that Bible engagement is not just about reading the text, but about transforming our hearts to know Jesus more deeply. They highlight the freedom found in pursuing spiritual disciplines and the unity that comes from experiencing God's word together as a community. They provide practical tips for daily engagement with scripture and share their excitement for the journey ahead as they prepare to delve into the book of Genesis in the upcoming episodes. This episode invites listeners to join in the collective exploration and understanding of God's word, anticipating new insights and spiritual growth throughout the year.Jan 02, 202423:46Cultivating a Heart of Generosity: Unpacking the Uncomfortable Topic of Stewardship with Ken SchaferIn this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, host Jay Strother is joined by special guest Ken Schafer, the Stewardship Minister at Brentwood Baptist Church. They discuss the importance of giving and stewardship in the Christian faith, highlighting the need to view giving as an essential part of discipleship. Ken shares statistics on giving within the church and emphasizes the spiritual growth that comes from being generous. They also explore practical ways to cultivate a culture of contentment and generosity, as well as how to model giving for the next generation. The episode concludes with a discussion on the upcoming Christmas offering and the opportunity it presents for the church to make a difference in their community.Nov 21, 202326:02The Church's Compassionate Response to the Foster Care Crisis | Jay Strother talks with Elizabeth Cochran about Brentwood's Response to Foster and AdoptionIn this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother is joined by guest Elizabeth Cochran, the Foster and Adoption Director at Brentwood Baptist Church. They discuss the importance of the church's involvement in foster and adoption ministry, highlighting the needs within the community and the role of wrap teams in supporting foster and adoptive families. They also explore the gospel responsibility of caring for orphans and widows, and how the church can make a tangible difference through partnerships with organizations like Care Portal. Overall, the episode emphasizes the power of collaboration and the ways in which individuals of all ages and backgrounds can play a role in caring for vulnerable children and families.Nov 14, 202324:37Discovering Your Unique Role in Ministry: Practical Steps to Identify and Utilize Your Spiritual Gifts | ft. Michele DyerIn this episode of the Sermon Notes Podcast, host Jay Strother is joined by special guest Michele Dyer to discuss the importance of using spiritual gifts for the purpose of serving the body of Christ. They delve into why spiritual gifts are meant to glorify God, love others well, and share Jesus with the lost. Michele shares practical steps for identifying one's spiritual gifts and emphasizes the need for diverse gifts within the church while maintaining spiritual unity. They also explore ways to ensure that every member of the church is engaged in ministry and using their gifts. Listeners are encouraged to take the Discover assessment and connect with coaches for further guidance. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights and encouragement for individuals to discover and use their gifts for the sake of the kingdom.Nov 09, 202323:06Group Life: Connecting, Growing, and Experiencing Biblical Community in Various Expressions | ft. Jay Strother and Cameron Russell In this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother is joined by guest Cameron Russell to discuss the importance of finding genuine community within a church. Cameron emphasizes the need to explore different groups and engage with diverse individuals to truly understand the breadth of the church body. Jay highlights the beauty of intergenerational connections and the value of mentoring relationships. They also delve into the various expressions of group life within the church, such as life groups, focus studies, mentoring, and Sunday school classes. Overall, this episode emphasizes the significance of experiencing life-giving biblical community and offers insights on how to navigate and connect within the church's diverse offerings.Oct 31, 202330:27The Transformative Power of Worship: Insights on Gathering as the Body of Christ | ft. Travis CottrellIn this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother is joined by special guest Travis Cottrell, worship minister and recording artist, to dive into the importance of peace, worship, and gathering as the one body of Christ. They discuss the role of music in church worship and the challenges of selecting songs that align with scripture. Jay and Travis share personal experiences, emphasizing the need for intentional language, unity, and congregational participation in worship. They explore the theme of the supremacy of Christ in Colossians and encourage listeners to bring worship into their daily lives. Together, they reveal the joy and power of gathering as God's people and celebrating the eternal nature of worship.Oct 24, 202328:55The Power of the Gospel: Engaging Head and Heart for Effective Gospel Conversations | ft. Paul WilkinsonIn this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, Jay Strother is joined by special guest Paul Wilkinson, resident theologian at Brentwood Baptist Church. Together, they dive into the topic of effective gospel conversations, drawing inspiration from Paul's encounters in Mars Hill in Acts Chapter 17. They address objections to the gospel, such as the resurrection, and explore how the Holy Spirit's guidance and the gospel's impact on the head and heart can lead to conviction in individuals. They delve into the problem of evil, the reliability of the Bible, and the question of what happens to those who haven't heard the gospel. They also discuss the importance of engaging in open-minded conversations, understanding different worldviews, and the power of prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Finally, they touch on the concept of hell and the need to reframe its imagery. This thought-provoking and insightful episode encourages listeners to approach conversations about faith with sensitivity, reason, and a heart for genuine connection.Oct 17, 202333:36Equipping Parents: Practical Advice for Having Gospel Conversations with Children | ft. Amy Jo Girardier and Renee BlainIn this episode of Sermon Notes, host Amy-Jo Girardier is joined by guest Renee Blain. Together, they dive into the important topic of having gospel conversations with kids. Renee shares practical tips and tricks while emphasizing the significance of modeling behavior for children and showing vulnerability as parents. They discuss the power of understanding sin in decision-making, the importance of involving parents in the process of faith journey, and the impact of walking children through their understanding of biblical concepts. They also explore ways to point others to Scripture, the joy of seeing God at work in their lives, and the transformative nature of mission journeys for teenagers. Tune in to gain valuable insights on how to have meaningful gospel conversations with the little ones in your life. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast for more insightful content!Oct 10, 202331:54Starting with the Gospel | A New Season of Sermon Notes Begins | ft. Jay Strother and Brian Ball Join Jay Strother and special guest Brian Ball in this episode of Sermon Notes as they dive into the transformative power of grace and the importance of living out the gospel in community. Explore the key insights from Jay's sermon on October 1, 2023, gain practical wisdom for daily discipleship, and discover how the church can fulfill its mission to represent Christ in every aspect of life. Don't miss this engaging conversation that will inspire and challenge you on your journey of faith. Subscribe to Sermon Notes and tune in now!Oct 03, 202327:42Passing the Baton: Brentwood Baptist's Exciting Leadership Transition | ft. Mike GlennOn this episode of Sermon Notes, Mike Glenn joins us to discuss the recent announcement of Jay Strother stepping into the role of Senior Pastor later this year. Mike gives Jay some sound advice to help him avoid some of the mistakes he made when he first became Senior Pastor. The show also discusses Mike's future endeavors with the Engage Church Network.Our mission is to engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody.To give to the ministry at Brentwood Baptist Church, click here: CONNECTEDWebsite: www.brentwood.churchFacebook: 16, 202323:33Humility and Trust: Letting Go of Plans and Goals, and Holding Desires with An Open Hand | Episode 28, ft. Aaron Bryant and David HannahOn this episode of Sermon Notes, Aaron and David focus on waiting, trusting God's timing, and seizing opportunities for growth and community. Aaron reminds us that when God closes one door, He is about to open a better one and that spiritual paralysis can result from a lack of clarity or not being able to hear God's voice. The episode also includes updates on a new permanent facility for our Avenue South campus, recent growth and momentum in a community at Lockeland Springs, and a desire to be embedded in an engaged neighborhood and community.Our mission is to engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody.To give to the ministry at Brentwood Baptist Church, click here: CONNECTEDWebsite: www.brentwood.churchFacebook: 09, 202317:60Answering the Call to Ministry: Preparing Soil for God’s WorkOn this episode of Sermon Notes, we delve into the idea that difficult times can lead to God's movement and activity. Brandon discusses how being open to whatever God is calling you to do is more important than focusing on a specific job or opportunity. We also hear about the speaker's experience of embracing a calling to ministry after feeling stagnant in the Communications Department at Brentwood Baptist. Above all, Brandon emphasizes the importance of preaching the Word and letting their love for God lead them to Godliness.Our mission is to engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody.To give to the ministry at Brentwood Baptist Church, click here: CONNECTEDWebsite: www.brentwood.churchFacebook: 02, 202327:00Navigating Transition: Knowing When It's Time for a Leader to Move OnOn this episode of Sermon Notes, Mike Glenn discusses the importance of having a succession plan in place for leadership positions in organizations. He also discusses the upcoming Senior Pastor transition in light of the Search Team's recommendation of Jay Strother.Apr 18, 202317:34Worship Complexity and Sermon Timing: Behind the Scenes of a Campus Pastor | ft. Brandon Abbott and Matt PearsonOn this episode of Sermon Notes, the Amy-Jo and Garrett cover a lot of ground, touching on a range of topics from Paul's anger issues to the challenges of being a pastor during busy times of the year. Matt and Brandon share personal experiences and anecdotes while exploring the complexity of the worship service and the importance of focusing on the people God has brought them. Brandon also discusses his new role as a campus pastor and the struggles he faced in adjusting to this new position. Finally, Matt and Brandon highlight the importance of the way we approach things, not just in what we say, and encourages listeners to pay attention to the way Jesus went about things.Apr 11, 202329:15Living as Sent Ones: More Than Just a Sunday Service | ft. Wade Owens and Jay StrotherWelcome to the latest episode of Sermon Notes where we discuss the importance of understanding and living out the Gospel in our daily lives. Wade Owens and Jay Strother share their insight into why the Gospel is more than just about salvation and how it can change our attitudes and behavior towards others. We also dive into the letters of Paul and how they offer a deeper understanding of the Gospel.Apr 04, 202318:37Comparing the Acts 6 church to today's church | ft. Doug Jones from the Church at WoodbineWelcome back to Sermon Notes! This week, we're joined by Doug Jones from the Church at Woodbine. In today's episode, the team discusses Doug's recent sermon on Acts 6. Doug draws comparisons between some of the struggles of the early church, and how we still experience some of those struggles today. Acts 6 details how God began calling people in the Church to serve where they are. Doug also talks about how he is praying for his campus in light of this chapter. Mar 28, 202318:12Jay Strother on the Church gathering | plus, we introduce our newest campus pastor | Episode 22Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast! In this installment, we are excited to feature an insightful recap of Jay Strother's recent sermon on the importance of unity within the church. In today's culture, it's more crucial than ever for Christians to come together and support one another. Jay highlights the reasons why this is so crucial and shares his experiences of witnessing this in action at Station Hill.In addition to discussing unity, Jay and Brandon also talk about how God called them to launch a new campus in Columbia and how God is already working in that community.Mar 14, 202328:38Put Up or Shut Up: Why Christians Need to be Bold Now More Than Ever | Episode 21, featuring Mike GlennWelcome back to Sermon Notes podcast! In this episode, we're joined by Mike Glenn, senior pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church.During our conversation, Mike shares some insights into the rich history of his church, as well as a recent conversation with the governor of Tennessee. But the real highlight of the episode is when Mike takes us through his recent sermon on Acts 4, where he urges Christians to be bold and fearless, just like Peter and John after their arrest.So whether you're a long-time member of Brentwood Baptist or simply looking for some spiritual guidance in your life, this episode of Sermon Notes is not to be missed. Join us as we listen to Mike Glenn's powerful words and learn how we can all become bolder, more courageous Christians in our daily lives.Mar 07, 202320:16Ministry in the Mess | The Gospel in ActionBrentwood.ChurchFeb 28, 202318:48Authentic Faith That Leaves the Church | Taking Your Faith Beyond Sunday Morning | ft. Aaron Bryant 22, 202324:47We Don't Believe In PrayerWelcome back to Sermon Notes, a podcast that dives deeper into the sermons of each of our campus pastors. In this episode, we're joined by David Hannah from the Church at Lockeland Springs. Joining us this week are guest hosts Amy-Jo Girardier and Garrett Gregory.Feb 14, 202334:48Why Do We Have Hope This Season? Featuring Doug Jones from the Church at Woodbine | Episode 16Welcome back to Sermon Notes, a podcast that dives deeper into the sermons of each of our campus pastors. In this episode, we're joined by Doug Jones from the Church at Woodbine. Joining us this week are guest hosts Amber Speigner and Hunter Melton.Doug reminisces on his time living in Mexico and shares some of his favorite Christmas traditions. The show transitions to talking about the current sermon series, A Christmas to Remember, and how we can find true peace during a hectic Christmas season.Doug gives us practical tips on how our souls can find peace and how to be filled with hope. He reminds us of the truth in Matthew 7:7, and that God is inviting us to seek Him and ask Him the desires of our hearts.Dec 20, 202226:09The True Meaning of the Advent Season | feat. Jay Strother from the Church at Station Hill | Episode 15Welcome back to Sermon Notes, a podcast that dives deeper into the sermons of each of our campus pastors. In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Jay Strother from the Church at Station Hill. We'll start off with a fun Christmas game, and then dive into Jay's sermon on Isaiah 35:1–10.Jay unpacks the meaning of the advent season, which marks the first-coming of Jesus, also known as His birth. Lesser known is the second advent – where Jesus will make His second-coming. Jay shares his insights on how Christians live in the tension of the two comings of Christ.We also hear from Jay the true meaning of the word "Shalom," and how Christians can experience this true peace and carry it into their homes. We are called to bear God's kingdom in any circ*mstances He places us in.Dec 13, 202222:53How can you find peace? A deeper look at Isaiah 11:1-10 | Aaron Bryant | Episode 14Welcome back to Sermon Notes, a podcast that dives deeper into the sermons of each of our campus pastors. In this episode, we're joined by Aaron Bryant from the Church at Avenue South. We'll start off with a fun Christmas game, and then dive into Aaron's sermon on Isaiah 11:1-10.This passage is a reminder of the hope we have in Christ. Through him, we can have peace and harmony with God and with one another. We can experience the fullness of God's kingdom on earth, and we can be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.Aaron encourages us to look upward instead of inward in order to find the peace that God promises us, and also reminds us that peace is not the absence of conflict.Dec 06, 202236:27What it Means to Lament According to Habakkuk + Christmas Traditions and Favorites, featuring David Hannah from the Church at Lockeland Springs | Episode 13It's officially Christmas season! On this episode, the show talks through some Christmas favorites and traditions.This month, all of our campuses have been teaching through the book Habakkuk. David talks through some of the themes he's seen in this book, as well as what God revealed to him through the series. David parallels one of his personal stories with the story of Habakkuk.Nov 29, 202228:15When God Seems Silent + Thanksgiving memories and favorites | ft. Matt Pearson of The Church at West FranklinThis episode features Matt Pearson, Campus and Teaching Pastor at The Church at West Franklin.Matt talks through his recent sermon out of Habakkuk; why it’s hard to live by faith and why people accuse God of being “silent” in their lives. He details what it looks like for a person who lives by faith to rest.Plus, the show talks through some of Matt’s Thanksgiving memories and traditions.Nov 22, 202226:49
The Book of Ecclesiastes: Applying Solomon's Wisdom in Our Lives Today by Sermon Notes (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.