Order of Merit: actuele stand darts rankings van de PDC (2024)

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De PDC Order of Merit is de wereldranglijst darts van de dartsbond PDC. De plaats van de dartspelers op de ranking wordt bepaald door het gewonnen prijzengeld van de afgelopen twee jaar. De PDC rankings bepalen onder meer wie een vrijstelling krijgt voor de kwalificatietoernooien van de grote events.

Verderop vind je de actuele darts ranglijst alsook de Pro Tour Order of Merit, de European Tour Order of Merit, de stand in het Players Championship klassem*nt en Women’s Series.

Order of Merit: actuele stand darts rankings van de PDC (2)

PDC Order of Merit Darts

De top 16 van de darts ranglijst plaatst zich op de cut-off datum voor de World Matchplay, de top 16 op de cut-off datum plaatst zich voor de World Grand Prix, de top 32 van begin december plaatst zich voor het WK Darts en de top 4 van na het WK plaatst zich voor de Premier League Darts. De top 64 van de OoM van na het WK voorziet bovendien in de helft van het aantal Tour Card houders voor het komende jaar.

Behalve de PDC Order of Merit zijn er ook de Pro Tour, Players Championship en de European Tour Order of Merit. Daarover verderop meer.

Wat telt mee voor de Order of Merit?

Alle Pro Tour events (Players Championship en European Tour) en de meeste televisietoernooien tellen mee voor de Order of Merit. De Premier League of Darts, de Masters, Champions League Darts en de World Series events zijn invitatietoernooien en tellen daarom niet mee.

Toernooien die meetellen PDC Order of Merit

  • WK Darts
  • UK Open
  • World Matchplay
  • European Championship (en de European Tour events)
  • World Grand Prix
  • Grand Slam of Darts
  • Players Championship Finals (en de Players Championships events)

Toernooien die niet meetellen voor darts rankings

  • Premier League Darts
  • The Masters
  • Champions League of Darts
  • World Series of Darts toernooien en Finals
  • World Cup of Darts

Pro Tour Order of Merit

Voor de PDC Pro Tour events (Players Championship en European Tour) is er een apart klassem*nt dat gebaseerd is op gewonnen prijzengeld over de periode van een jaar. Op basis van deze darts ranglijst wordt de plaatsingslijst bepaald voor alle Players Championship en European Tour events.

Bovendien is de positie op de Pro Tour Order of Merit de voornaamste manier waarop men zich kan kwalificeren voor de grote tv toernooien. Het gewonnen prijzengeld in de Players Championship en European Tour telt ook mee voor de algemene PDC Order of Merit.

Players Championship en European Tour

En dan hebben de Players Championship en European Tour ook nog hun eigen Order of Merit. Beide dartsranglijsten zijn gebaseerd op gewonnen prijzengeld in het lopende jaar van de toernooien.

De top 64 besten van de Players Championship Order of Merit zijn de enigen die zich kwalificeren voor de Players Championship Finals en de top 32 van de European Tour Order of Merit zijn de enige dartspelers die zich kwalificeren voor het European Championship, het EK Darts.

Order of Merit Darts

Stand top 40 Order of Merit 3 april 2023
Vervolgens de Nederlanders en Belgen buiten de top 40

1 Michael Smith £1,244,000
2 Peter Wright £1,147,250
3 Michael van Gerwen £1,111,500
4 Gerwyn Price £769,250
5 Rob Cross £537,500
6 Luke Humphries £513,750
7 Jonny Clayton £477,250
8 Danny Noppert £473,000
9 Dimitri Van den Bergh £458,500
9 Nathan Aspinall £458,500
11 Dirk van Duijvenbode £402,000
12 Joe Cullen £360,750
13 Ryan Searle £356,000
14 James Wade £342,000
15 Jose De Sousa £339,000
16 Ross Smith £333,000
17 Dave Chisnall £332,250
18 Damon Heta £321,500
19 Gabriel Clemens £285,500
20 Krzysztof Ratajski £284,000
21 Chris Dobey £275,500
22 Gary Anderson £262,000
23 Stephen Bunting £248,250
24 Callan Rydz £232,500
25 Andrew Gilding £231,000
26 Brendan Dolan £222,000
27 Martin Schindler £221,250
28 Daryl Gurney £199,500
29 Kim Huybrechts £180,000
30 Mervyn King £174,500
31 Raymond van Barneveld £172,000
32 Vincent van der Voort £161,000
33 Josh Rock £158,000
34 Alan Soutar £152,250
35 Mensur Suljovic £149,500
36 Adrian Lewis £142,750
37 Madars Razma £141,500
38 William O’Connor £138,000
39 Martin Lukeman £127,750
40 Simon Whitlock £125,500

Overige Nederlanders en Belgen

41 Martijn Kleermaker £117,500
46 Jermaine Wattimena £101,250
50 Mike De Decker £96,250
65 Danny Jansen £53,000
74 Mario Vandenbogaerde £34,500
75 Kevin Doets £34,250
78 Jimmy Hendriks £27,000
80 Brian Raman £24,750
89 Damian Mol £16,500
90 Luc Peters £15,500
91 Richard Veenstra £15,250
94 Jeffrey De Zwaan £14,750
97 Gian van Veen £11,250
101 Jurjen van der Velde £8,750
102 Niels Zonneveld £8,500
107 Geert Nentjes £7,250
109 Jeffrey Sparidaans £6,500
109 Maik Kuivenhoven 6,500
112 Chris Landman 5,750
116 Robbie Knops £4,250
117 Martijn Dragt £4,000
124 Owen Roelofs £3,750
126 Jelle Klaasen £3,250
129 Danny van Trijp £2,750
130 Jeroen Mioch £2,500
138 Ronny Huybrechts £2,000
142 Christian Kist £1,500
152 Jitse Van der Wal £1,000
159 Berry van Peer £750

Check desgewenst bij de PDCde volledige en officiële darts rankings.

Pro Tour Order of Merit

Deze ranglijst is gebaseerd op prijzengeld dat in de afgelopen 12 maanden gewonnen is tijdens Players Championship en European Tour toernooien. De positie op de Pro Tour Order of Merit is bepalend voor de plaatsingslijst van European Tour and Players Championship evenementen.

De top 32 van de Pro Tour ranking (die niet al via de ‘gewone’ Order of Merit geplaatst is) kwalificeert zich voor het WK Darts. De top 16 (ook weer indien niet via de Order of Merit geplaatst) plaatst zich voor de World Matchplay en World Grand Prix.

Pro Tour stand

Stand top 40 per 12 april 2023

1 Luke Humphries £187,500
2 Dave Chisnall £146,500
3 Dirk van Duijvenbode £139,750
4 Michael Smith £129,500
5 Damon Heta £122,000
6 Gerwyn Price £112,250
7 Michael van Gerwen £107,250
8 Rob Cross £105,000
9 Danny Noppert £100,000
9 Nathan Aspinall £100,000
11 Josh Rock £87,250
12 Peter Wright £81,750
13 Joe Cullen £77,500
14 Martin Schindler £73,250
15 Ryan Searle £72,500
16 Jonny Clayton £71,250
17 Ross Smith £63,000
18 Andrew Gilding £62,750
19 Dimitri Van den Bergh £59,750
20 Krzysztof Ratajski £56,000
21 Stephen Bunting £55,500
22 Jose De Sousa £55,250
23 Gabriel Clemens £54,500
24 Chris Dobey £50,500
25 Brendan Dolan £47,500
26 James Wade £46,500
27 Callan Rydz £44,500
28 Rowby-John Rodriguez £44,250
29 Martin Lukeman £42,000
30 Kim Huybrechts £41,500
31 Madars Razma £40,500
32 Steve Beaton £39,000
33 Daryl Gurney £38,500
34 Simon Whitlock £38,250
35 Ryan Meikle £37,500
36 Raymond van Barneveld £36,000
37 Jim Williams £35,500
38 Mike De Decker £35,250
39 Adrian Lewis £35,000
40 Gary Anderson £34,500

European Tour Order of Merit

De (top 30) stand van na ET4

1 Gerwyn Price £68,000
2 Dave Chisnall £42,000
3 Michael Smith £38,000
4 Dirk van Duijvenbode £30,500
5 Damon Heta £24,500
6 Danny Noppert £18,500
7 Luke Humphries £18,000
7 Michael van Gerwen £18,000
9 Nathan Aspinall £16,000
10 Martin Schindler £14,500
10 Rob Cross £14,500
10 Jonny Clayton £14,500
13 Joe Cullen £12,500
14 Peter Wright £10,000
14 Josh Rock £10,000
16 Jose De Sousa £9,250
17 Ross Smith £9,000
17 Brendan Dolan £9,000
19 Raymond van Barneveld £8,750
20 Andrew Gilding £8,500
20 Steve Beaton £8,500
20 Ryan Searle £8,500
23 Dimitri Van den Bergh £8,000
23 Stephen Bunting £8,000
25 Keegan Brown £7,250
26 Lee Evans £6,500
26 Chris Dobey £6,500
26 Jim Williams £6,500
26 Niko Springer £6,500
26 Ryan Meikle £6,500
31 Mario Vandenbogaerde £6,250
31 Daryl Gurney £6,250

Players Championship Order of Merit

Deze Players Championship ranglijst is gebaseerd op prijzengeld dat in het afgelopen jaar tijdens de toernooien is gewonnen. De top 64 plaatst zich voor de PC Finals.

Players Championship stand top 50 per 21 maart 2023

1 Dirk van Duijvenbode £35,000
2 Ryan Searle £28,750
3 Gary Anderson £22,750
4 Ross Smith £22,250
5 Danny Noppert £18,750
6 Michael van Gerwen £18,250
7 Krzysztof Ratajski £17,750
8 Josh Rock £17,500
9 Luke Humphries £15,750
9 Dave Chisnall £15,750
11 Kim Huybrechts £15,500
12 Gabriel Clemens £13,500
13 Jonny Clayton £13,250
13 Simon Whitlock £13,250
15 Jamie Hughes £12,750
16 Dimitri Van den Bergh £12,250
17 Gerwyn Price £12,000
18 Richard Veenstra £11,250
18 Callan Rydz £11,250
20 Stephen Bunting £10,500
21 Mike De Decker £10,250
22 Gian van Veen £9,750
23 James Wade £9,500
24 Brendan Dolan £9,000
24 Raymond van Barneveld £9,000

26 Bradley Brooks £8,750
27 Madars Razma £8,500
28 Martin Schindler £8,250
28 Jim Williams £8,250
30 Luke Woodhouse £8,000
30 Ricardo Pietreczko £8,000
30 Joe Cullen £8,000
30 Dylan Slevin £8,000
34 Ian White £7,750
34 Mario Vandenbogaerde £7,750
34 Krzysztof Kciuk £7,750
37 Nathan Aspinall £7,500
37 Matt Campbell £7,500
37 Daryl Gurney £7,500
40 Andrew Gilding £7,000
41 Keegan Brown £6,750
42 Jeffrey Sparidaans £6,500
43 Michael Smith £6,250
44 Boris Krcmar £6,000
44 Jurjen van der Velde £6,000
44 Jermaine Wattimena £6,000
44 Nathan Rafferty £6,000
44 Steve Lennon £6,000
49 Chris Landman £5,750
49 Damon Heta £5,750
49 Niels Zonneveld £5,750
49 Rob Cross £5,750

Ranglijst Women’s Series

De top 2 van de uiteindelijke ranglijst plaatst zich voor de Grand Slam of Darts en het WK Darts. De top 8 van na event 12 plaatst zich voor de World Matchplay voor vrouwen.

Stand top 30 per 28 februari 2023

1 Beau Greaves £6,300
2 Mikuru Suzuki £4,000
3 Rhian O’Sullivan £1,900
4 Kim Holden £1,700
5 Robyn Byrne £1,100
6 Lorraine Winstanley £900
6 Noa-Lynn van Leuven £900
6 Fallon Sherrock £900
9 Adriana van Wijgerden-Vermaat £800
10 Kirsi Viinikainen £750
10 Lisa Ashton £750
12 Kirsty Hutchinson £700
13 Trina Gulliver £650
13 Corrine Hammond £650
15 Priscilla Steenbergen £600
15 Aileen de Graaf £600

17 Natalie Gilbert £500
17 Anastasia Dobromyslova £500
17 Lindsey Ashton £500
17 Angela Kirkwood £500
21 Deta Hedman £450
21 Zoe Jones £450
23 Rachna David £400
23 Vicky Pruim £400
23 Roz Bulmer £400
26 Sarah Roberts £350
26 Almudena Fajardo Ayuso £350
28 Jo Clements £300
28 Anca Zijlstra £300
28 uintey Bieman £300
28 Laura Turner £300
28 Casey Gallagher £300
28 Rachel Brooks £300
28 Carla Boyes £300

Order of Merit: actuele stand darts rankings van de PDC (2024)


How much did Phil Taylor make from darts? ›

Darts legend Phil Taylor, known as 'The Power', has built up an impressive net worth of $7million (around £5.5m) after winning 16 world titles. Even though he retired from the PDC in 2018, the 63-year-old is still competing in senior competitions and plans to retire for good at the end of 2024.

Does the Premier League darts count towards the Order of Merit? ›

The PDC Premier League Darts, the World Cup of Darts, the Champions League of Darts, The Masters and the World Series of Darts are invitational tournaments, the prize money is not included in the Order of Merit.

Does Michael van Gerwen have a wife? ›

Who is the richest man in darts? ›

Phil Taylor Net Worth – the man who continues to cash in even in retirement. According to the wealth magazine, Phil Taylor's estimated fortune is around 10 million euros . Even in 2020, when Taylor no longer actively plays darts as a professional, his income is still at least 1.5 million euros .

How rich is Peter Wright's dart player? ›

What is Peter Wright's net worth and how much prize money has he won? Wright's net worth is estimated to be around £3million, according to reports on his career prize money earnings. His wife Joanne is in charge of his finances, giving the player a budget of £200 a week.

Who is the bad boy of darts? ›

The world of professional darts is full of characters - none more colorful than "Snakebite," also known as "the bad boy of darts." "My name is Peter Wright.

Who is the best looking dart player male? ›

Over two decades later, Heta is ranked 10th in the world by the Professional Darts Corportation (PDC) and was one half of the Australian team that won the 2022 World Cup of Darts. Oh, and he was recognised as the most handsome darts player on the planet.

Who has hit the most 9 darters? ›

Most Nine Dart Finishes
  • Michael van Gerwen - 24.
  • Phil Taylor - 22.
  • Adrian Lewis - 14.
  • Dave Chisnall - 11.
  • Simon Whitlock - 11.
  • James Wade - 9.
  • Raymond van Barneveld - 9.

Does Gerwyn Price have a wife? ›

What is the age limit for PDC? ›

The PDC Winmau Development Tour allows ANY player aged from 16-23 to compete in a series of events throughout the year.

What is the biggest darts tournament in the world? ›

The PDC world championship begins in December and ends in January and is held at Alexandra Palace in London and has been held there since 2008. It is the most prestigious of the PDC's tournaments, with the winner receiving the Sid Waddell Trophy, named in honour of the darts commentator Sid Waddell, who died in 2012.

How many kids has Michael van Gerwen got? ›

3x World Champion. Proud father of Mike & Zoë married to @daphnevangerwen ☺️ ❤️

How rich is Van Gerwen? ›

Over the course of his full career, Michael van Gerwen is reported to have earned over £6,500,000 in in prize money. MVG has collected £1,090,000 in prize money over the last two years in PDC ranking tournaments. The Dutchman collected a total of £1,100,000 from his three World Championship victories.

What car does Michael van Gerwen drive? ›

BMW 750 Li, £105,000

Before he became a Rolls-Royce owner, van Gerwen drove a very posh 750 iL. In 2019, he unveiled his new motor on social media with a red bow on it. The 750 Li is one of BMW's most exquisite motors, hence the hefty price tag.

How much money did Eric Bristow leave in his will? ›

Former darts world champion Eric Bristow who died for a heart attack in April left over £400,000 in his will.

Is Phil Taylor still involved in darts? ›

Taylor retired from professional darts after the 2018 World Championship.

What happened to Phil Taylor darts? ›

Taylor, 63, stepped away from the sport after reaching the World Championship final in 2018 but returned in 2022. Considered the greatest darts player of all time, he has spent the past two years on the Senior Darts Tour and will retire at the end of the 2024 season.

Does Phil Taylor own shares in PDC? ›

Notification showed up on Companies House the other day that the PDC has bought back another 1237 of its shares, at £884 per share - that's exactly the number of shares Taylor was holding.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.